I haven’t received my notice yet. It looks like they won’t have things sorted out in time to test Canada coverage in a few weeks. I will test it, and report on the results in case they are useful to anyone. Though the results will probably be: “Hit the border, went no service.” While I will do testing during the 6 month trial, I will probably just surrender the line in the end as it was a secondary that was handy when I was in rural locations. I figure that testing while it won’t cost me and sharing the data with others may help some people out.
My primary line is on Mint Mobile/T-Mobile. I needed access to Canada roaming, and while not cheap, Mint could do that, RW couldn’t after they changed things way back when it all started… I tried changing to the Everywhere You Go service on Dish/RW as that included Canada roaming, but it has yet work.
I am in the process of Rube Goldberging/MacGyvering (select according to your generation) a solution to the Canada data roaming problem. 6 cents a minute for voice is not too bad, given that I’m not planning to make lot of calls while on vacation. If I do need a long call, I can find WiFi as I’ve tested that to work with Mint in Canada. The data charges are another thing entirely. 6 cents per megabyte. The modern web being what it is, this adds up at transwarp speed. Not quite going plaid, but costly. I have to take great care when away from WiFi.
If my data work-around works, I will write a (probably novella-length) report on the process. Steps 1 and 2 are complete. Step 3 actually involves being in Canada in a couple of weeks. If there is anyone with a similar use case to mine, they will be interested for obvious reasons, and some of the more technical folks will probably be interested in the technical minutiae. This tactic may also have value when I know I’m going to be in spotty T-Mobile coverage areas.