Just moved my Republic My Choice service to Boost Infinite

I discovered a few days ago (on Reddit) that Republic was transitioning to Boost. Thus I dug through my email and found the email I missed and read it, and did the basic setup and then got my SIM cards a few days ago. Since my wife and I both work, and she’s a teacher who just went back, I didn’t want to make the transition during the week in case something went wrong.

So I set things up on the email before the SIM cards arrived, but stopped short of adding the billing information, since I didn’t have the SIM cards yet.

The next day they arrived, and then today I went back and added the billing information, thinking there would be a another step to make the switch. That was a challenge because we had promised my 16 year old rolled ice cream for finishing her online summer French class. So right before we were to go, I realized my phone wasn’t working. So I quickly swapped the SIM and installed the carrier app from Dish. Very quickly it was pulling cell data, but I hadn’t had time to swap my wife’s SIM card, so she actually didn’t have service as we went for the ice cream.

I also discovered at the ice cream place the number didn’t show on the “about phone” in settings, so I rebooted the phone, and there was the number, and it was the right one (I was scared since I didn’t know which SIM was which).

Got home, put the other SIM in my wife’s phone, installed the carrier app, rebooted and it seems all is well.

So Boost said it could take an hour to transition. It took less than 5 minutes which created its own problems, but it appears to have worked fine.

At least for me, it actually was a fairly simple and easy process. I hope it is for others as well.


And as an interesting plus, my wife was using my old Pixel 2 XL because her G7 failed and that’s what I had. Then it got wet in a lake, and I ordered a Pixel 4a 5g phone off Amazon. Now with Boost Infinite she’ll have “5g” service for what that’s worth.

I guess time will tell how that goes for her.

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So I am approaching 72 hrs., since initiating the migration.
I’m thinking those on My Choice plans won’t begin to transition until the 20th?, or beyond?.

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No, August 20th is the date members with 5.0 plans who do not need new SIMs are supposed to start migrating.

Members with My Choice plans are supposed to migrate within an hour of initiating activation of their Boost Infinite SIMs.

It looks like you need to contact support.

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My wife and I were on 4.0 plans, and it was truly just a few minutes.


Just got off the phone with them (RW)…was told it should take place overnight.

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Both of the “My Choice” numbers we had on R.W. (T-Mobile) went through in around 35 minutes (including the SIM swaps and Carrier App install/uninstall). I was really sweating it because we really depend on our phones.


My wife is a teacher in the other state of the Metro area, and I really didn’t want her without a phone. I’m grateful ours transitioned so fast.


Was support correct?

So far, it seems we have a variety of experiences. For some members with My Choice plans, it’s taking minutes for others days.

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Approaching hour 92, still on RW by Dish.

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Did you enter payment information and otherwise confirm account details on the transition website? Or, have you just attempted to activate the new SIMs?


Yes, I’ve submitted the payment information, and no, I have not touched the SIM’s. I was told to wait for RW to quit working.

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Swapping one of the new SIMs into a phone won’t do any harm. You’ll likely find they’re not yet active.

Anyway, your experience is an example of why I chose to get out now!


So, just got off a 21 min. call with RW support (16 min. on hold).
They have created yet another support ticket, and told me to call back this evening. Ugh.

Customer service that expects you to call back later is not customer service.

I had to call back when I tried to get a phone unlocked from Republic. They did it on the callback, but it was certainly frustrating to have to call back.

@c1tobor Just to let you know: I had to call back multiple times. The first few agents told me that the service would activate automatically, but it never did. I spent over 30 mins on my last call during which the agent had to do something on his end which finally activated my Boost Infinite service. I actually lost Republic service while I was on the phone with him as a result. I then swapped in the BI SIM, and everything worked as expected. All is working well now, and so far, I’m very content with the new service, but it took multiple lengthy support calls to get here.

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There is nothing “seamless” about a transition requiring multiple lengthy calls to support hoping to get the “right” agent who knows how to help.


I’m glad you got it going. It’s weird how you had so much trouble, but mine went almost too fast.

Absolutely true. It’s weird how some have horrible stories about this and mine really did go flawless. Seems someone wasn’t really ready for the change.