Just moved my Republic My Choice service to Boost Infinite

I don’t say this lightly but there’s nothing technical one might do or point out to support that’s going to resolve the issue. It’s something DISH must do at an IT/Engineering level, which is why all tier one support is able to do when one calls in is apologize and ask for patience. It’s not an acceptable answer to give folks with no service, however, in fairness to those agents it’s all they’ve got.

I would encourage anyone suffering an extended service outage due to migration to contact DISH’s Executive Escalations Team by sending email to executivecustomerservice@dish.com. They may not be able to immediately solve the issue either but they need to know how widespread the impact is.

If one gets nowhere with the Executive Escalations Team (despite the difficult circumstances give them a reasonable amount of time to respond as they may already be buried), the next step would be filing an informal FCC complaint here:


Please understand an informal FCC complaint is not a panacea and won’t necessarily result in immediate satisfaction. DISH has 30 days to respond to informal FCC complaints though usually a response comes much sooner.

Whether it’s talking to DISH’s Executive Escalations Team or filing an informal FCC complaint (or both) you’re asking for one of two things:

  1. Restoration of service or
  2. The ability to port out

Even if one’s service is ultimately restored, I’d think long and hard about sticking around. I see no evidence DISH will get better at operating a retail wireless business anytime soon. Maybe one day but not soon.

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