Just moved my Republic My Choice service to Boost Infinite

Hi @Imback,

What did they give you for an account number?

Historically, with Republic, it’s been the 10-digit phone number without dashes being ported for 5.0 plans.

For My Choice plans, it’s an 11-digit number starting with 104 (not the 10-digit phone number being ported).

The above said, I see not one but two potential account numbers for my account on Boost Infinite’s transition and payment information websites respectively. This despite the fact I ported out weeks ago and canceled service on Republic’s website.

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CSR trained on both RW and BI. Seemed conversantly-.knowledgeable.
Said my 5.0 plan did, in fact, begin with capital letter “A” (as I saw on BI transition account creation).
Said I had two issues regarding outage. 1. She was seeing on one screen that I had no data, but on another that I had 1gb of recently paid for data (bill date 8/25). 2. ‘Some’ users were erroneously assigned the incorrect carrier by the BI transition team, thereby causing/contributing the ‘outage’ for many-- resolution timeline TBA.


Presuming you intend to move forward, let us know if the account number beginning with A works for you. It did work for @southpaw.

I was also told to use an account number beginning with the letter A when I ported my 5.0 plan number out a couple of weeks ago now. I ignored the advice instead using the 10-digit phone number being ported without dashes, which worked. :man_shrugging:

If this is accurate, I’m shocked they would admit it. And, it’s an absolutely unforgivable error, particularly, if they have no timeline for resolution.

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Yes-- I’m certainly moving forward. SIMS to arrive tomorrow.
As for the ‘shared’ info from the CSR-- I didn’t push, and at first she seemed reticent to share, but that’s the reason she divulged/offered for the ‘limited’ outage.

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Oh, btw, those with ‘outages’ are to be comp-ed one month. And, at least in my case, since they need to add data-- to make my already-paid-for data work-- I won’t be charged for the ‘jumper-data’. Ffs…

I don’t doubt the agent you quoted said what they said. I remain surprised, she would say so publicly. I’ll admit to being at the point I take anything said by a DISH/Republic/ Boost Infinite agent with a heaping grain of :salt:

Well, that’s just swell. :roll_eyes: Actually, in the latest transition email sent to me on August 29th, I was offered a free month of service if I would provide payment information for the transition. This despite having already ported out and canceling service on Republic’s website. :joy:

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5.0. Just spoke with another RW Rep who assured me that my phones will not need the Sim cards, and that they are extending the deadline because of all the migration issues. Not sure I can believe anything they say.

Fog of war… Smoke screening… Gaslighting… If this wasn’t my only phone I’d be ROTLMAO. jeesh…

I’d like to be careful here.

Gaslighting is generally defined as being intentionally misleading. I’m not prepared to go as far as saying agents are intentionally misleading folks. They can only provide the information provided to them by those who are supposed to know.

While I think DISH is incompetent, I’m not prepared to say they are acting with malice.

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Sad that RW will be no more. But, glad to be out from RW by DIsh. I was paying almost as much for 1 gig of data, as I am paying now for 30 GB. Not a perfect fit for me either, but looking forward to being on the new Dish network (with AT&T backup) when I buy my next phone. But, if BI can’t deliver, I will be looking at US Mobile, too, along with mobileX.

I ported from RW 5.0 to US Mobile about 3 weeks ago.

RW gave me my account number starting with “A” and the porting failed. (I should have read Rolandh’s article/post !!)
I called RW back and they said the account number is actually my phone number. I relayed this to US Mobile and the porting went through.
Everything has been fine since.

I hope your porting works!