Pixel Superfans Program (and other similar programs)

Have any other RWUsers been invited to join the Pixel Superfans program? I got an invitation today, immediately filled out the survey, and I’m really hoping they let me join!

What other product “superfan” or “insiders” programs do we have users in, here?


I started to sign up when I got the invite yesterday, but as the questions stretched on I lost steam. I may revisit again at some time.

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I also received an invitation last week, but I didn’t sign up because I don’t have time to keep up with something else. I’m curious what being part of the group ends up entailing for anyone who is accepted.

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No invite here. Started to fill the form out but then stopped.
Not sure I quite qualify as a “superfan”. Currently have a Pixel and plan to get a new Pixel eventually, but am mostly a fan of dragging that time out as long as possible. Not a fan of giving Google money immediately after they stop features working prematurely :stuck_out_tongue:


I got around to finishing my application. No word yet, but I’m not exactly a social media influencer…or social anything for that matter.

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Did you get your “:tada:Congratulations, Xxxxx! You’re an official Pixel Superfan!” e-mail? I got one two days ago and have just started to peruse through the Discord server and newsletter. So far it’s kind of, meh. Maybe I’m not all that great a superfan.

Yeah, I’m in but didn’t feel all that super-fan-like or like I was part of something exclusive when I saw 32K participants. I was also disappointed to see it was a Discord server. It’s like one giant chat stream filled up with mindless chatter by people who just want to earn participation points. I’m certainly biased, but I prefer Discourse.

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For the number of users (35,487 currently) it seems pretty quiet. It may not stay that way, but I’m not having much trouble keeping up. There just doesn’t seem to be much content I care about keeping up with at the moment.

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I wonder if they ever plan on doing anything structured with this Pixel Superfans program. Right now it’s just a wasteland of randomness.

Yeah, I haven’t even been back since the first week. It was just too disappointing.

Apparently, swag is involved (although, I haven’t received any):

I guess we should contribute more to the randomness?

I just can’t. No hat for me.