Perhaps everyone already knows this, but I just bumped into this tip and I thought I would share it.
We have guests coming for the holidays; the first thing guests want is a bathroom and the second thing they want is access to our WiFi. If you have an Android phone, there is an easy way to share access to your network.
Be connected to the WiFi network you want to share.
Open settings and tap Network & Internet.
Tap “Internet” or “WiFi” or whatever is needed to access your WiFi network.
Tap on the gear that is to the right of the WiFi network to which you are connected.
Tap “Share.”
If you have a passcode set, you will need to enter it.
A QR code will pop up. This code contains the SSID and password to your WiFi network.
It doesn’t matter if your guest has an Android phone or an Apple iPhone, either will work when they open their camera, scan the QR code, touch the little scan box that pops up, and answer in the affirmative to the “Do you want to connect question?” Poof, they will magically be on your WiFi network.
In my case, I took a screenshot, e-mailed the QR code to myself, printed it on a card, and placed it in our guest room.
This is a great tip! And, though the method is not as direct, it can be done from iPhone also as follows:
If it’s not already on your iPhone, download Apple’s free Shortcuts app from the App Store.
Tap the Shortcuts app, then tap Gallery to the lower right.
Tap the rectangular box under Shortcuts for Accessibility. If you don’t see Shortcuts for Accessibility, swipe right until you do.
Scroll down the list of icons, then tap QR Your Wi-Fi.
Tap Add Shortcut.
Tap Shortcuts to the lower left.
Tap QR Your Wi-Fi in your list of shortcuts, enter your Wi-Fi network’s name, then tap Done.
Enter your Wi-Fi network’s password, then tap Done.
A QR code will appear on your screen. Tap it, then tap the Share icon to the lower left (it looks like a square with an arrow pointing up).
Select the method you wish to use to share the QR code.
You’re not limited to creating the QR code for the network to which your iPhone is currently attached. You may create a QR code for any Wi-Fi network for which you know both the network name and the password (such as a dedicated guest network if your router is configured for that).