Threads that might Matter in 2023

Two new terms that we will see more of in 2023.


  • Matter is the Foundation for Connected Things. One protocol to connect compatible devices and systems with one another. Smart home devices should be secure, reliable, and seamless to use. And with Matter, they are.

Bottom Line … it’s big and it’s coming fast

  • What do you already know?
  • What would you like to know?
  • What can you share with the rest of us?

Thanks for sharing this.

  • I wasn’t aware this was upcoming.
  • Is this a replacement for Bluetooth? Zigbee? WiFi?
  • Does this mean that Bluetooth accessories and connections will become obsolete and unusable?

These are, most likely, RTFM questions so I’ll go do some reading at the provided links.
Thanks again!

Matter is not replacing existing protocols. Bluetooth, Zigbee, and Z-Wave will still be part of smart homes (and Bluetooth LE is used for adding devices to Matter).
Here is another link that includes the protocol stack which may help put Matter & Thread in perspective
Yet another link from Toms Guide

To put it in the words of a couple of ChatGPT conversations (See @rolandh discussion ChatGPT … following done using
Q: Explain Thread Protocol

The Thread protocol is a networking protocol that is designed specifically for use in low-power, low-bandwidth Internet of Things (IoT) networks. It is designed to provide a secure, low-power, and low-latency communication system for devices in an IoT network, such as sensors, actuators, and other devices that are connected to the internet.
The Thread protocol is based on IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) and operates over a mesh network, meaning that devices in the network can communicate directly with each other without the need for a central server or router. This allows for a more distributed and resilient network architecture, as devices can communicate with each other even if one or more devices are offline or out of range.
The Thread protocol also includes features that are specifically designed for use in low-power, resource-constrained IoT devices. These features include support for low-power sleep modes, efficient use of bandwidth, and support for secure communication using encryption.
Overall, the Thread protocol is designed to provide a reliable, secure, and efficient communication system for IoT devices, allowing them to communicate with each other and with other systems on the internet.

Q:Explain IoT Matter

In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT), matter refers to the physical devices or objects that make up the IoT system. These could include sensors, actuators, and other devices that are connected to the internet and can communicate with each other or with a central server.
IoT matter can come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from small sensors and devices that can be embedded in products or infrastructure, to larger devices like smart thermostats and smart appliances. IoT matter can be used to collect and transmit data about the environment or the operation of a system, and can also be used to control and automate various processes and functions.
IoT matter is often connected to the internet using wireless technologies such as WiFi, Bluetooth, or cellular networks, and can communicate with other devices and systems using protocols like HTTP, MQTT, or the Thread protocol. These technologies and protocols allow IoT matter to send and receive data and commands, enabling it to interact with other devices and systems and to respond to changing conditions in the environment.

Google’s climbing on the bandwagon: Google enables Matter on all Android devices, including Samsung’s.

With respect to home automation, take a look at Yolink. At my place their devices: Tell me when my mailbox is opened, if the lift station in my septic system stops working, if someone enters my storage building, if a critical GFI breaker has tripped, if any of six locations detect water indicating a leak, warns me if my garage door has been opened or left open. reports indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity and sounds a loud siren in case of a critical event. It rather seamlessly integrates with Alexa. It does require an inexpensive hub when, in turn, makes the addition of their devices to one’s system very easy. Most of their devices are battery operated with a wireless range up to 1/4 mile. Right now my outdoor temperature in -10F and the air above the sewage in my septic tank is +27F.

Later update from The Verge
What Matters about Matter, the new smart home standard