For those in the market for “unlimited”, US Mobile just added 5 GB of hotspot data to its “Unlimited Starter” plan.
So; both MobileX and US Mobile now offer “unlimited” talk, text and data (30 GB at high speed) for the same $25 as Boost Infinite.
MobileX does not have a separate cap for or otherwise restrict hotspot data.
US Mobile’s hotspot data cap is 5 GB, however, US Mobile’s $25 price point includes taxes where MobileX and Boost Infinite do not include taxes and regulatory recovery fees.
Presuming T-Mobile’s network (US Mobile) or Verizon’s network (MobileX and US Mobile) offers adequate coverage in your area, either offers better value for “unlimited” with much better customer service than Boost Infinite.
For more on MobileX and/or US Mobile, see Reviews.
Thanks for the heads up as I was interested in getting some hotspot data back. Plus, I don’t want a T-Mobile mvno so good to know they can use Verizon as that is fine in my area (along with AT&T who I have with RW/BI).
Thank you, @rolandh, for pointing this out. In the past week I have moved my family’s 2 remaining Republic Wireless lines to Tello Mobile, but we also have one on Mint Mobile and one on US Mobile. I haven’t really looked at US Mobile until recently when I was looking for a home for our previous RW lines. I did notice their unlimited plan for $25 including tax and had considered switching to that one, but decided against it due to the lack of hotspot data. However, I am now seriously reconsidering that.
I want to note USM includes hotspot data in their shared data plans. You can use your full data allotment as a hotspot should you desire This might work out better for some folks who frequently use their phone as a hotspot. You can add additional phones to the shared pool for $8/mo.
Tello does offer an “unlimited” plan (unlimited talk & text plus 25 GB of high speed data - 5 GB of which may be used for hotspot) at $29/month plus taxes and regulatory recovery fees. So; a bit more per month for a bit less high speed data.
The question is whether one needs “unlimited”. If not, then Mobi, MobileX, Tello and US Mobile are all options worthy of consideration. As an aside, I’m experimenting with Helium Mobile (invitation and a dual SIM via eSIM phone required unless one lives in Miami-Dade County, FL). $5/month plus taxes and regulatory fess is tough to beat.
The bottom line point is if one is not being well served by Boost Infinite, there are plentiful options in the market.
US Mobile has tweaked its plans once again. The new focus is annual plans a la Mint Mobile. The tradeoff is monthly plan pricing is going up albeit with increased data allotments (on the phone and/or hotspot).
To its credit, US Mobile does not require current subscribers to move to new plans.
It looks like the light plan at $6 a month if paid annually, is a good deal with no such tradeoff of an increase to the monthly price. I might take them up on the annual offer for my mother-in-law’s existing line on this plan, even though I’ve usually avoided these kinds of schemes.
This is, I believe, the third time since August US Mobile has tweaked its plans. It may be the Light plan has undergone one or more iterations since you signed your mother-in-law up.
Prior to this latest set of tweaks, presuming I remember correctly, the Light plan offered unlimited talk & text plus 500 MB of cell data for $5/month. So, it seems the monthly price doubled albeit with a doubling of cell data to 1 GB with a substantial discount for annual payment.
Everything I see suggests US Mobile provides a quality service at a competitive price (regardless of the specific set of plan iterations) and is, generally, well liked by its customers. My concern with US Mobile is it doesn’t yet seem to have achieved plan sustainability.
US Mobile has been aggressive in seeking out and adding new customers with attractive trial offerings. Converting those trial users to longer-term profitable relationships is another matter. For now, they seem to have settled on discounted annual pricing as a means of doing so.
@rolandh - I think you’ve hit the nail on the head.
Last Fall, after having suffered through the RW-to-BI transition, I decided to move my line and my teenage son’s line to another MVNO. The two contenders were US Mobile and Tello. I chose Tello because their pricing and website were more straightforward, even though at the time they were not quite as inexpensive as US Mobile. Also, Tello had been in business longer and seemed more stable all around.
I’ve been happy with Tello so far. And now, with their price cut, I’m even happier.
For the sake of clarity, I would like to make it clear, I’m not questioning US Mobile’s viability as a service provider. US Mobile, I believe, has been around since 2016.
Still, I do prefer a degree of stability in a service provider and three iterations of plan structure in four months doesn’t exactly scream stable.
More so than some other alternatives mentioned in our Community, US Mobile is focused on growth, with which there is nothing inherently wrong. They just seem to be having some growing pains in terms of settling on a sustainable plan structure.
Thanks for the clarification. Also, I think I was incorrect in saying that Tello has been around longer than US Mobile. I suppose I was conflating frequent changes to plan structure with lack of longevity.