About the About rwusers category

This category is about using the RWusers Forum, setting up your account, getting involved.

This whole Real World Users platform deserves much more appreciation (and participation) than it has experienced lately. The contributions by a (very) few people are reliably informative. Seems that the number of posts per month has declined with time-away-from-Republic Wireless - but what I see is invariably reliably informative, and nicely written.

Is there any emotion to market this Real World Users more broadly? I, for at least one, value and would contribute to this as practicable.

Thank you @southpaw and @rolandh !

Thanks @Clint, and I’m sure @rolandh appreciates your kind thoughts as well.

I’d like to think this is a good sign. Folks have settled into some sort of reliable phone plan! Between leading the way in WiFi calling and being acquired by a company that didn’t know what direction was forward, we didn’t always make it easy to be a Republic Wireless customer, did we?

I’m not sure what you have in mind by “market.” I don’t have buckets of money to throw at trying to advertise to get people to come chat here, but I’m happy to provide the space for those who do want to engage in friendly, helpful conversations about technology. I’d like anyone to feel comfortable asking questions here, no one should ever feel like they are incompetent because they don’t know how to get some bundle of electronics to do what it is meant to do. (And goodness knows, I’ve had that feeling plenty, especially when I struggle sometimes with keeping this site online! Any time you see those banners at the top of this site indicating that there’s an update going on over the weekend, please cross your fingers for me!)

Beyond asking questions, I’d love to see people share knowledge. What’s some new piece of technology you’ve tried and what do you think of it?

I’m past due on a couple of topics I’ve been meaning to write. I got a trail camera for Christmas that I want to write about, and I’ve got an update to my Review: Sifely X Smart Lock topic. Life and work have been a little demanding lately, so those things are on hold for the moment. But don’t wait for me, go ahead and write about something you’ve discovered or tried out lately!

I haven’t wrestled with any new tech recently (it can be frustrating, after all) but will certainly chime in when appropriate. The next frontier I might explore may be Smart Home automation, which has been touched on here at rwusers, thank you - but there is a whole lot more to learn. The promise of a Matter universal standard some day, somewhat enabling better integration is one excuse for my procrastination.

And yes, rwusers has certainly supported many people away from that fondly remembered Republic Wireless service. After a couple frustrating tries with subsequent mobile phone services we have settled on Tello which fits our geography and usage needs very well - and is very nicely flexible (and cheap).

A major - lo, THE major - reason for fond RW memories is the Community of support which continues here with rwusers. I was moved to suggest “marketing” not to propose you (is this all funded by YOU?) buy advertising, but thinking that other “free” online channels might help spread the word a bit. Facebook has been my most frequent domain for several years with vehicle interest, technology subject, and social group based communities, and I wondered if a Page there might help point more people to participate on rwusers.com. But I also know keeping a Page or Group there from being flooded by spam takes time, and attention.

Thanks again for all the time, attention, and kindness you have shared helping others @southpaw!

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