Boost Infinite (another Dish Wireless product) is open for Beta. $25 unlimited* postpaid. People I’ve seen using it report that it’s AT&T coverage (with a small roaming allowance) with QCI 9 (deprioritized data the same as the prepaid product). So far I don’t see any great advantage over the prepaid product. Anyone here trying it out?
Nah, I think I’ll sit this one out. “Seamless” switching between multiple networks a la Google Fi is intriguing but won’t be available until “commercial availability”. QCI9 deprioritization (the worst possible on AT&T’s network) ought to be considered unacceptable on what is presumably intended to be a flagship postpaid offering even in beta. Further, I still don’t understand the marketing decision to use the Boost brand for a flagship postpaid offering. The Boost brand is reasonably well known but it’s a flanker brand and not known for being particularly up market. I’d suggest branding it as something crazy like DISH Infinite or just plain DISH Wireless but I’m no marketing genius.
From what I see online, there’s extremely limited domestic voice (100 minutes) roaming and no domestic data roaming. There is 1 GB of international data roaming in Canada and Mexico and, apparently, unlimited talk & text roaming as well as international calling to 80 countries and unlimited texting to 200 countries included in the price of the plan. I don’t think the international stuff is included in Boost Mobile’s $25 for new customers only prepaid plan. Some have said a call to Boost Infinite support can result in T-Mobile coverage for the beta if AT&T coverage is inadequate.
I do have a MobileX SIM in transit. MobileX is tangentially related to the Boost brand in that Peter Adderton is involved. Mr. Adderton is Boost’s original founder before selling out to Nextel, which in turn merged with Sprint. I’ll try to post more on MobileX but that’s a separate topic.
Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I decided to give the beta a shot.
Here’s the details:
- Signed up as BYOP with intent to use an unlocked iPhone 14 Pro Max. This means I need eSIM.
- Despite them knowing the phone they UPSed me a SIM.
- I was supposed to be able to installed the Boost Infinite App and open it and it would prompt me to download the eSIM.
- I installed the app, but opening it just showed me account information, no eSIM.
- I chatted with support, they had me try a bunch of things over 30 minutes, and then wanted me to factory reset the phone. I refused and they essentially refused to help me further.
- The next day I chatted in again. This time the rep said "no problem I’ll push the eSIM to your phone. Sure enough 30 seconds later I got a notification that an eSIM was available for download.
- The plan activated normally after the eSIM
So far the experience has been similar to the $30 plan with Visible. Speeds on the cellular network are clearly deprioritized as in the same location I can get 140mbps down / 40 up at 1a and then 0.36mbps down and 0.39mpbs up during the business day.
Did you get the hat and socks:
Yes, I did and nicely packaged.
Hmm, it seems Boost Infinite’s app is having trouble calculating cell data use:
It also seems Boost Infinite is providing some of the same “care” it’s demonstrated with its other brands.
@rolandh said:
Did you get the hat and socks:
No, I just got the sim card. I have had it for about a week.
The data usage meter is still not working. For a while, it said “.2,” but now it’s back to zero.
Oops, too busy with Boost Infinite: project genesis website certificate has expired.
I believe this to be true. They seem to only be able to work on one project at a time.
u/LiterallyUnlimied replied to a post about Ting on Reddit and mentioned that the former Ting developers are currently working on Boost Mobile.
As I understand it, among the reasons for DISH’s acquisition of Ting Mobile was establishing a partnership with Tucows (Ting Mobile’s former owner) to develop BSS/OSS software tools for Boost and other DISH brands. This software would be based on the in-house BSS/OSS software Tucows developed for Ting (Internet and Mobile I believe).
In the aftermath of the transfer of Ting Mobile to DISH, Tucows created Wavelo to continue development of the BSS/OSS software. I’m pretty sure LiterallyUnlimited, formerly at Ting, is now at Wavelo.
Further, as I understand it, Boost Infinite and the AT&T side of Boost Mobile are running on Wavelo’s software. I guess that’s why there are two separate websites for Boost Mobile. ( for AT&T network service and for T-Mobile network service).
The T-Mobile side of Boost Mobile continues to run on whatever software DISH inherited from T-Mobile/Sprint. RW by DISH continues to run on the software used by Republic prior to acquisition (Opsware). Presumably Gen Mobile still runs on the software it was running on prior to acquisition.
To me, it all sounds like one big mess. Maybe, one day, DISH will get its brands homogenized on a single BSS/OSS platform but seemingly we are a long way from that day. Meanwhile, it’s chaos.
OK, it’s beta and glitches are to be expected. That said, it seems DISH still has internal tickets apparently routing to a black hole:
I’m still looking for evidence DISH is learning from its repeated missteps. If the Boost Mobile plan(s) in question are on AT&T, AT&T may be part of the problem.
I feel like I’ve seen this movie before:
More and more, it looks like RW by DISH was the alpha before the Boost Infinite beta.
Sheesh… I know it’s in beta, but you’d think they might try to prioritize getting the web site up and running again.
For what it’s worth, apparently, the Boost Infinite app is back up., which prior to the cyberattack was pointing to the new ( Boost Mobile website is back to pointing to the old ( Boost Mobile website though appears to be up.
Then, there’s the Boost Mobile apps. The Boost One app corresponds to the site. The My Boost app corresponds to the website. It’s as if they intentionally go out of their way to make things convoluted.
In general, it appears the old stuff weathered the cyberattack better than the new Wavelo powered stuff. The old site was back up days before
Early Access Beta Infinite Unlimited has ended.
The Infinite Unlimited Plan includes unlimited data, talk and text for $25/mo. for life. Members who took advantage of our Early Access Plan by ordering before April 7th, 2023 receive additional attributes rolled into their plan at no additional cost. These include:
- All 30GB of data enabled for high-speed hotspot
- Unlimited talk, text from the US to Mexico/Canada and unlimited talk, text across North America while roaming
- 5GB of data while roaming in Mexico/Canada
- Unlimited talk to nearly 50 destinations (Mobile), unlimited talk to 80+ destinations (Landline), variable minutes to 120+ destinations, and unlimited text to 200+ destinations
Members who took advantage of our Early Access Plan by ordering before April 7th, 2023 receive additional attributes rolled into their plan at no additional cost.
So…Boost Infinity and Beyond.
@a_j said:
Early Access Beta Infinite Unlimited has ended.From
The Infinite Unlimited Plan includes unlimited data, talk and text for $25/mo. for life. Members who took advantage of our Early Access Plan by ordering before April 7th, 2023 receive additional attributes rolled into their plan at no additional cost. These include:
- All 30GB of data enabled for high-speed hotspot
- Unlimited talk, text from the US to Mexico/Canada and unlimited talk, text across North America while roaming
- 5GB of data while roaming in Mexico/Canada
- Unlimited talk to nearly 50 destinations (Mobile), unlimited talk to 80+ destinations (Landline), variable minutes to 120+ destinations, and unlimited text to 200+ destinations
Looks like they rolled some of this back:
On Boost Infinite’s website currently:
The Infinite Unlimited Plan includes unlimited data, talk and text for $25/mo. for life. Members who took advantage of our Early Access Plan by ordering before April 7th, 2023 receive additional attributes rolled into their plan at no additional cost. These include:
- 5GB of data enabled for high-speed hotspot
- Unlimited talk, text from the US to Mexico/Canada and unlimited talk, text across North America while roaming
- 1GB of data while roaming in Mexico/Canada
- Unlimited talk to nearly 50 destinations (Mobile), unlimited talk to 80+ destinations (Landline), variable minutes to 120+ destinations, and unlimited text to 200+ destinations
- These members will see their plan as “Early Access Infinite Unlimited.”
I believe the above was what was originally offered.
Looks like Boost Infinity and Beyond was rolled back to Boost Infinite+. I just don’t think you can trust the guys running Dish. Next they’ll redefine the term “high speed data.”
It would be nice if they let us know it was an honest mistake, or if they decided suddenly that they need the add-on revenue from early access subscribers.
@cbwahlstrom said:
Next they’ll redefine the term “high speed data.”
I think they already have done so. Infinite’s “flagship” postpaid service is QCI9 deprioritized data on AT&T’s network. There are prepaid services offering higher priority data than that. Worse, unless I’m mistaken, the new “Speed Pass” Add-On gets you an additional 20GB (for a total of 50 GB) of deprioritized “high-speed” data. There is no priority data. In its present incarnation, perhaps, it should be rebranded Boost Finite?