Is ChatGPT Overrated?

There’s been a fair amount of recent news regarding a new chatbot called ChatGPT.

Since this is the News category, here’s one article from Wired:

Those who, like me, were part of RW’s Expert Customer program know how I feel about chatbots generally. My choice of article provides a hint for the rest of you. :smiley:

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I think this will once again prove the old adage ‘Garbage in, garbage out’
But I think the potential is incredible.

  • As the training will continue with its use, I think this could possibly be a breakthrough in support
    • Remember all the efforts that went into the Republic Wireless KCS program (which had the support agents write and publish a fix for each user problem), or Directly’s system and the Experts program
    • What if all those discussions were captured in an AI system?

As the training will continue with its use, I think this could possibly be a breakthrough in support

So to do the folks behind these efforts. One day, they may be correct. In my opinion, we are not nearly as close to that day as they think. Today, in my opinion, AI is best used to assist human agents in locating appropriate information to assist customers. AI is not ready as a standalone solution.

Remember all the efforts that went into the Republic Wireless KCS program (which had the support agents write and publish a fix for each user problem), or Directly’s system and the Experts program

KCS was both a good thing and a bad thing. Agents wrote many worthwhile articles but also wrote many that should never have been written.

As for Directly, they have their own AI based chatbot. Experts were asked to write automated answers the chatbot would serve to members. Generally, the AI failed at grasping the context of the member’s question, so though the answer served might have been good, it was inappropriate for the context. The member then had to indicate the automated answer didn’t address their circumstances at which point they would be connected with a human Expert. It was a sufficiently bad experience for both members and Experts that the old member focused RW turned it off.

What if all those discussions were captured in an AI system?

When humanity creates a worthwhile public facing AI system, perhaps, but I’ve yet to see one. Further, when asked, human customers consistently indicate they prefer to deal with other humans rather than AI attempting to sound (often poorly) human.

ChatGPT and How AI Disrupts Industries (from Harvard Business Review)

I have to say that I’ve been extensively playing with ChatGPT comparing what I can get it to write against what our fairly junior marketing person and in nearly all cases, it is as good as, or maybe slightly better, than what was written by the person that we employ.

Fine, but what are you saying? Do you think ChatGPT is good? Or, do you think your fairly junior marketing person needs to up their Fluent BS game?

Frankly, a bit of both. But we did determine we were going to use the bot for a bit and just brush it up rather than have the marketing person write content from scratch.

See my latest update using ChatGPT in another thread Threads that might Matter in 2023.

There is an official ChatGPT app for iPhone:

And, one is coming soon™ to Android:

This news, however, is troubling:

@Totoro, are there dedicated apps for Bard?


Interesting events occurring at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT: