Have any 5.0 members been transferred to boost infinite yet?

I wanted to know if anyone on a 5.0 plan has been transfered to boost infinite yet. My email said it would happen on August 20th and here i am still waiting. My dilema of course is i dont want to wait to long and my number just vanish.

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No transfer for me as yet. Still waiting. I’m hoping for a seamless transfer. :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Transitions were supposed to begin on Aug. 20, but most, if not all, 5.0 plan people are still waiting. Stay tuned.

Nope, it hasn’t happened for me yet.

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As long as your Republic service continues to work pending migration to Boost Infinite, there is no reason for concern regarding one’s number potentially being lost. I understand why the concern exists, I’m just hoping to provide some reassurance.


Thank You. Just wondering, anxious and excited. :grimacing: :grimacing:

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If they don’t get it going for me in the next few days, I won’t be able to test Canada roaming. My next trip there is outside the 6 month trial period.

The email I got also said August 20, but when I set up the billing, the final page said they would begin to transition on August 25.

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My wife using an iphone it shows boost at the top im using a Motorola on Android and nothing. It still shows republic havent recieved any emails. I guess if nothing hasnt changed by monday im going to have to call them🤬

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I dont think there’s any reason to call. They’ve never really promised an end date, only a starting date for the transition. As long as your phone is working, all is well. I’m on a Samsung Galaxy S20 FE and haven’t seen anything happen yet. In fact I’ve only seen a few reports of anyone seeing anything happen, and it appears that nobody on a 5.0 plan has fully transitioned to Boost Infinite.


Good Morning @nt26,

For what it’s worth, I’ve just added the following to our informal FAQ.

@jben is a former Republic Community Ambassador as am I. The information provided in our informal FAQ has been confirmed with a source inside Republic Wireless by DISH. I know the source and am confident they’re more informed than tier one support agents answering phone calls.


Honestly, if they make that end date, it would be the exception rather than the rule based on my 11+ year experience as a Republic Wireless member.


It won’t surprise me if ultimately they don’t make the stated end date, however, I don’t see our mutual experience with pre-acquisition iterations of Republic Wireless as being particularly relevant. None of those involved with the old Republic Wireless remain involved with Republic Wireless by DISH.

In the end, time will tell. Meanwhile, I simply report the information currently available.


Since it’s been a couple of days, I figured I’d post to pop this back to the top. Any 5.0 members with Android phones been transferred to Boost Infinite yet? I have three line on my account, and we are still rocking Republic (and a hotspot!) for now on all three.

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Still waiting here also. They should at least give us a heads up on what progress they are making on transfer.

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Hi @elbajo,

I’m unconvinced any members with 5.0 plans including those with iPhones have yet been migrated to Boost Infinite.

I understand some with iPhones have noted their phone now shows “Boost” service. That’s probably the result of a new “Boost” Apple carrier bundle replacing the old “Republic” Apple carrier bundle on their phones. The new Apple carrier bundle is a necessary step for migration but not necessarily, in and of itself, evidence migration has completed.

I will remain unconvinced members with 5.0 plans have been migrated until such time as someone reports receiving email confirmation and/or someone reports being able to sign into their account using the Boost Infinite app.


My wife, son, and myself are all also waiting to be migrated over. Comfort, if not safety, in numbers perhaps.

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No, nothing yet for me.

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Just got this text message (3:49PM ET):

REPUBLIC: We are transitioning your service to Boost Infinite. You will receive a Welcome to Infinite message when complete. Please restart your device after receiving that message to access your data. Questions? 833-558-5820

so… maybe it’s starting… sooner or later. Timely communication from Boost Inf hasn’t exactly been setting any records.

(My wife is also on Republic 5.0, and got a txt message about 10 minutes after mine).


Yep, just got it myself as well (5:04 pm ET).

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