Mobi Beta Opportunity

Mobi is accepting signups for testing their new service. There’s a link to a form in this Reddit post: Interested in testing a data eSIM for Mobi?


I’ve split @davenc’s post regarding Mobi’s call for beta testers to its own topic for greater visibility.

Some details:

  • To participate one must have access to an eSIM capable phone.
  • The eSIM is data only, so this test cannot be used to replace one’s current phone service.
  • Since eSIM capable phones are by definition also dual SIM phones, it is not necessary to disturb one’s current phone service to participate.

Thank you to @davenc for bringing this to Community’s attention!


The mobi beta is now live. I received an email with an eSim QR code to activate service. There were some additional steps to take to set the apns but activation went smoothly with the provided instructions.


It looks like the timing of kickoff for Mobi’s beta of its new core infrastructure is this just concluded Amazon AWS event:

Mobi’s new core from wgtwo (now part of Cisco) runs on AWS.

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Hi @davenc,

These are my early test results.

  1. Cell data works.
  2. I am able to make and receive cellular calls. There is no WiFi calling.
  3. I am able to send and receive SMS over cellular.
  4. I am able to send but not receive MMS over cellular.
  5. Call forwarding does not work.
  6. Visual voicemail does not work. In fact, voicemail doesn’t seem to be set up at all.

That certain things do not yet work does not concern me. My understanding is the initial focus of the beta is on cell data.

Curious as to how your results match (or don’t) mine since I believe we’re both using Pixel 6as.

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Hi @rolandh

My initial testing matches what you’re getting. I’m not getting 5g but I’m not sure if that’s expected at this stage or not. Data speeds on LTE are on par with other T-Mobile MVNOs.

OK, I could not resist, I signed up for the Mobi Beta. Should I be able to use the Boost Infinite Physical SIM and the Mobi ESIM on my Pixel 6a? I assume we will get a “throw-away” number?

Yes, you can use both. Set the boost line as default for calls and texts. Only one sim can be set as default for data so toggle between the 2 as needed. You will receive calls and texts to both numbers even if one of them is set as default.

Edit-The “throw away” number I got is a Nevada area code which can be used normally just keep in mind you won’t be able to keep it.

Thanks Davenc,
I may not get invited to the beta, but at least my name is “in the hat”.
It would be good to test drive something if I have to bail on B.I.
I have my eye on Mobi and C-Spire (there is a physical office in town) if something goes awry with B.I. This thread concerns me, hopefully it was just a hiccup and not malicious:

Some progress to report regarding Mobi’s beta mostly surrounding iMessage activation but some other interesting stuff as well:

Mobi’s beta is for its new mobile core. It does not impact Mobi’s Verizon network service.

For those, like me, participating in Mobi’s beta some news:

Brainstorming on new mobi plan options, plus some beta/network updates...
byu/rejusten inMobi

Hmm, I wonder if any of the Anywhere developers or anyone else here with coding chops would be interested in the developer’s account referenced in Justen’s Reddit post? :thinking:

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Presuming Mobi is able to follow through on what their CEO Justen Burdette mentions in the previously linked Reddit post, Mobi will definitely stand apart from traditional MVNOs.

Unlimited talk and text for plus 2.5 GB of cell data for $10/month or $55/year (yup a 45% discount for annual payment) is more than aggressive for those of us with modest data needs. There are proposed options for adding additional data at $2.50/GB, 5 GB extra for $10 or 10 GB for $15 extra. The 10 GB option with the cost of base pricing would bump up against “unlimited” (generally around 30 GB) offerings from other providers.

If they’ve figured out how to keep a telecommunications company afloat on $55/customer/year that would be different. I’m just not sure how you pay a support staff if many of those $55/year customers require any technical support. There’s also the burden of convincing the phone owning public that they don’t need more data. As of December 2023 only 5% of mobile phone users reported being on a <2 GB limited data plan. 17% reported being on a 3-5 GB limited plan. 44% reported being on an unlimited data plan, and 9% didn’t know what plan they were on.

I mean, good luck. I hope it works out, but it seems like a heavy lift.

When I originally signed up for Mobi with my iPhone, the price for service was $10/month plus taxes and fees for unlimited talk & text plus 1 GB of cell data. In fact, that’s still Mobi’s published price though I understand they are currently offering a “lifetime” discount of $4/month for new subscribers meaning a bottom line of $6/month. This is for Mobi’s existing Verizon network service not their in beta service. @mikenoname; can you confirm this was the case for you?

Of course, I don’t have the numbers to assess whether Mobi’s pricing either for its existing service or proposed pricing for the now in beta service is sustainable. Beta service is currently free. Mobi has the numbers and their leadership team is experienced, so I would hope they are being realistic.

I get what you’re saying about the cost of support and, in Mobi’s case, support is North American (U.S. and Canada) based and very good, which, if anything, increases its cost.

And, yes, the industry mantra behind “unlimited” has been very successful. Many if not most don’t need the “unlimited” plans they are paying for but convincing them of that is difficult at best. This is why we’re seeing a proliferation of “unlimited” (generally unlimited talk & text with around 30 GB of high speed data) plans clustered around $25/month. I doubt the majority of folks with those plans are using anywhere near 30 GB of data per month.

There’s also an increasing trend toward annual as opposed to monthly pricing of which I’ve not been a fan. I guess, however, there would be savings on processing fees for the provider doing something once a year as opposed to 12 times.

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I can.

I was quite happy signing up for $10/mo for Mobi, but when the excellent service rep stated that she was also giving me a $4/mo discount, I had to have her repeat it. Then I thought it was just $4 off for the first month. Nope. I left that call happy but scratching my head.

Every month my bill is $9.24 including all taxes and fees. For 1GB cellular (which I never come close to using) and unlimited everything else. Still pinching myself. And @rolandh isn’t kidding about the customer service. One of the best companies I have ever dealt with. For less than $10/mo.

Almost makes me feel guilty. Almost.


Mobi’s beta is slowly progressing. Apparently on the roadmap is Anywhere style calling and text messaging in Mobi’s app. I suspect this is a well down the road, at best, item.

If willing to roll one’s own, that seems to be an option. @bitflung, @mchasal, you guys code. I’m serious about this, no pressure on the calling or text messaging but, perhaps, API access would be of general interest to you?

That is interesting @rolandh, but honestly, I’m reluctant to mess with my phone these days. As I enter the twilight of my software career (ha! that was probably years ago) I find that I’m messing more with ancient water well equipment than phones. Perhaps I’m regressing, I think I’ll be working on new ideas for the wheel soon.
I’ll still muck with desktop Linux stuff, but just too wimpy to either risk my phone/service, and too cheap spring for an additional line.

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Oh, man, I just got new wheels for my bike; I should have waited to see what you’d come up with!

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I completely respect that.

For others with potential interest, the APIs in question are for Working Group Two’s “cloud native mobile core”. Working Group Two (wgtwo), now part of Cisco, is the supplier of Mobi’s in early beta mobile core. Access to the APIs for developers registered with wgtwo would be authorized.

Regarding the Mobi cloud core beta itself, it is currently by invitation from Mobi. Mobi is not currently charging those participating in the beta. Though I can’t speak for Mobi, I’m reasonably confident Mobi would be willing to invite interested developers whether they are current Mobi subscribers or not.